Dishin’ Out The Scoop - Industry Information

Team Building for Your Catering Staff

For caterers, team building activities are a way to have staff interact in ways outside of the typical day-to-day routine.

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The Jetbow Sandwich and Your Catering Menu

With Tim Tebow joining as the Jets new quarterback, the famous Carnegie Deli in New York announced last week that they are naming a new sandwich after Tim Tebow – the ‘Jetbow.’ You could call it a PR stunt – a great way to gain exposure for the deli while capitalizing on some national news that is a big deal locally in the NY area. But naming items on the menu to endear a restaurant or catering business to the area where they are located is not new.

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Large vs. Small Event Catering

After reading Mike Roman’s blog last week where he stated “often a party for 45 can have more problems than an event of 450,” it got me thinking about how true that statement really is. How many times have you been hired to cater a smaller event that had so many obstacles that it took up more time than your larger events?

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How Are Clients Finding You?

There are directories out there whose sole purpose is to put your business in front of people looking for caterers. The benefits of partnering with a service like this are a) it’s a secondary way to get found, other than your own website, and b) if you don’t have the time or knowledge to get your website fully optimized for search engines to find you, you can let these sites essentially do it for you. They know how to get found and they can help funnel the traffic to you. Here are just a few to get you started.

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Are You Ready For Wedding Season?

According to, weddings are a $60 billion a year industry. Are you ready to get your fair share of it? The average wedding rings up at about $26,500 and the reception/food typically accounts for about one-third of that. This means catering weddings is big business.

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