Three Cool New Restaurant Technologies

Technology has definitely infiltrated every aspect of our lives. With new products and services joining the market on a daily basis sometimes it’s hard to keep up, and the restaurant/catering industry is no exception. Many of you were at Catersource last week and may have seen some new technologies on the trade show floor. I was curious to see what some of the newer technologies were and did some research. Read on for a few articles I found on the topic.

Food Safety and Hygiene:
For any restaurant or catering business, hygiene of staff is critical. What procedures do you have in place to ensure a clean, healthy environment? This article from QSR describes one way to eliminate the paper and track tasks electronically.

The E-menu featured in this YouTube video is a cool way to order from a customers’ perspective. While not suitable for every restaurant or caterer, it is definitely interesting.

Other Restaurant Technologies:
This article from Restaurant Owner includes information on everything from POS solutions to web-based staff training and restaurant security. Check it out to learn about additional technologies out there.

I’m also curious to hear what your latest technology purchase was. Have you come across anything recently that made you think “That could really help us be more efficient?” Please share them with us in the comment section below.