PR 101: How to Get Published as Caterer

PR 101: How to Get Published as Caterer

Meghan Ely, OFD Consulting


Making your business stand out among your competitors as a caterer can present a unique challenge. High-quality ingredients and exceptional service can be on your side, but how do you convince potential clients that your menu offerings are worth every penny? Looks alone won’t cut it; this is where PR can lend a helping hand.

Not only can PR put you in front of your dream client, but it can majorly position you as an expert in your craft and build credibility. Seeing your name in lights is great, but being strategic will keep you booked and busy.


What are your PR goals?

If you want to up your PR game, the first step is to outline your goals. Ask yourself: what do I want to get out of this? Maybe you’re hoping to break into a new market, or maybe you have your eye on a dream publication that you want to be featured in. Or you might even want to be known as an expert in your industry after years of providing education to your peers.

Whatever you’re after, it’s crucial to keep these big-picture goals in mind as you start outlining your approach.


Set aside time to audit your website

Before you start drawing more people to your website, make sure that it’s really up-to-par. The last thing you want is for a potential client to see that your site is outdated, lackluster, or full of broken links. You could have plenty of amazing press wins featured on the front page, but if the rest of the website is meh, they may not stick around.

The best thing you can do is to browse your own site from a customer’s POV. Do you have clear messaging? Are your services clear? Are there high-quality, professional photos of your work? Do a thorough audit that includes checking all of your links and contact methods, and ensure that it’s responsive for mobile users as well.


Prioritize industry relationships

A great place to start in building your reputation is to connect with others in your industry. Expand your circle beyond your fellow caterers – reach out to photographers, planners, and/or designers that you’ve worked with for previous events. These are the pros who are in a position to submit the events to various media publications, so don’t be afraid to reach out and ask how you can help!

The more involved you are, the more that you’ll be top-of-mind to be included on the vendor list and considered for referrals in the future. Bonus: cultivating relationships with photographers that you’ve worked with can mean access to lots of photos of your work to have in your portfolio!

Your media outreach plan

Working with the media to start getting your name and expertise featured in the press can admittedly be a long game, but being proactive and intentional with your outreach makes the juice worth the squeeze. Start by researching industry media outlets like blogs or podcasts and see what stands out to you. Your ultimate goal might be getting to the big leagues of Vogue, NY Times, or Forbes, but if you want to generate more leads, it might make more sense to start with your local market.

If you’re ready to send a pitch, make sure that you keep it brief with a short introduction and offer yourself as a source for any upcoming catering-related articles or themes. Writers and podcast hosts often get so many inquiries, so providing them with timely and relevant insight or trends will show that you have your finger on the pulse of the industry.

Tapping into new audiences and showcasing your knowledge can bolster your business’s reach and reputation. Just remember that it’s a PR marathon, not a sprint; small steps like updating your website and connecting with your peers can lay the groundwork for long-term results.


Meghan Ely is the owner of wedding PR and wedding marketing firm OFD Consulting. Ely is a sought-after speaker, adjunct professor in the field of public relations, and a self-professed royal wedding enthusiast.